Search Engines
The term Google represents an extremely large number. The size of Google's
database is correspondingly large. Though I still like Altavista in many regards,
I'm coming to prefer Google more and more, since their advertising is less obtrusive.
Another nice feature of Google is that they "cache" the pages they index, allowing
users to view them - even if the original document is off line. I recall reading of
one very happy webmaster who managed to retrieve most of a site he had lost from Google's
(497 accesses)
- AltaVista
This is my personal favorite for keyword based
queries. The advanced search menu provides excellent boolean
searches with relevance ranking. The AltaVista search engine and
the site are developed and operated by Digital Equipment
(838 accesses)
- Lycos
One of the oldest search engines, implemented by Carnegie
Mellon University, Lycos is now somewhat consumer oriented in its
focus. Lycos is considered an "internet portal" and operates a free
personal website service called Tripod.com
(450 accesses)
- Ftp Search
Use this Lycos service if you are trying to find a
specific resource (ie. program, file, document, image)
to download.
(457 accesses)
- HotBot
Operated by the publishers of Wired Magazine,
this site seems to have some interesting cutting edge techno-cultural
content. (412 accesses)
- Yahoo!
Yahoo is most notable for the way its content is
categorized. If you want to perform a search within a specific
area of interest, here's a good place to start.
(505 accesses)
- Infoseek
A good service, I like Infoseek for searching out technical
(366 accesses)
- Magellan
Yet another search engine. This one seems organized
much like Yahoo! Additionally Magellan has something called "Search
Voyeur", which allows you to watch queries as they are submitted by
other users of this service. This has some limited novelty and
instructional value, though most queries I saw were examples of
"how NOT to query"
(420 accesses)
- Aol Netfind
Aol's service is based on the excite engine,
offering www searches as well as "kid safe searches", Aol White
Pages, Aol Yellow Pages, Email Finder, Newsgroup search ala Deja
News and a directory of member's pages.
(366 accesses)
- Northern Light
Northern Light's new Internet search engine enables you to search the
World Wide Web and information from 5,400 premium sources.
Web results are combined with information from premium material in one
search, giving you access to books, magazines, databases, and newswires
not available from any other search engine.
(325 accesses)
- WebCrawler
This search engine uses software called "Excite",
originating, I believe, from a weak pun about the task of bringing information
"from external sites" and cataloging it. WebCrawler is operated by the
Excite Corporation
(330 accesses)
- Metacrawler
Sends a query to several search engines
This is most useful when you have absolutely no
idea where to begin searching, or are looking
for a relatively uncommon subject.
(496 accesses)
- Dog-Pile
DogPile offers selective search of: The Web, Usenet
Newsgroups, FTP, Newswires and Business News. Working much like
Metacrawler, hits are drawn from various other search
(381 accesses)

Debriefing Meta-search
"Debriefing is the fastest meta search engine available, and it returns excellent results."
(411 accesses)
- C-Net Search.Com
Based on the infoseek engine, this service has some
category based filters which may help limit the number of
inappropriate query returns.
(336 accesses)
- Deja News
Searchable Usenet Newsgroup Database
Usenet is a vast anarchic stream of correspondence
which are somewhat optimistically called "articles". Deja News
provides a web based method of searching archives for topical
information and for posting your own articles.
(375 accesses)
- ComFind
E-Commerce site directory
In contrast to the general information retrieval services,
this site specializes in listing product and service providers.
(318 accesses)