Various Amusements
Fortune Cookie
Sometimes humorous;
sometimes profound;
sometimes profoundly stupid;
you are invited to sample
assorted anecdotes, adages, aphorisms
and limericks
Inspirational Thoughts
(your mileage may vary)
Great Minds Explore a Timeless Question
(why the chicken crossed the road - or did it?)
Absolutely FREE!!
World class multi-user
interactive gaming experience
Abysmal Realms Homepage
* exceptionally Stable *
* derived from Diku/Merc/Rom 2.4 *
* friendly RP environment *
Abysmal Realms Related Sites

Aha! Poetry features:
- the LYNX Journal (a poet's e-zine)
- numerous guides to writing style
- is a member of the Japanese Literature Webring
- winner of many awards since first appearing in 1995